Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bedding For Sale

Pine Bedding 15kg at $28

Breeder Celect Recycled Paper Bedding 30L at $32

*Purchase Products up to $50 and enjoy FREE DELIVERY!!!!

For more information, please call 98372402...

Chinchilla BathSand

KiKi Chinchilla BathSand

1.9kg at $15

Buy 2 and get 450g Timothy Hay worth $10 FREE!!!

*Purchase Products up to $50 and enjoy FREE DELIVERY!!!!

For more information, please call 98372402...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lionhead Rabbit

Lionhead Rabbit


9Months Plus


Friday, May 21, 2010

Chinchilla For Sale...

Chinchillas For Sale!!!

Silver White Chinchilla - Male
1 Years plus - $850

Pink White Chinchilla - Male
1 Year plus - $780

For more enquiry, do drop me an email to

or simply drop me an sms to 98372402

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Dear Customers,

Sorry for the long wait... Finally my FRESH TIMOTHY HAY has ARRIVED!!!

For customers who has already placed their order with me, will received my call for delivery within the next few days...

For customers who hasn't place their order yet, hurry sms me or call me at 98372402!!!

If you keep pets such as Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and Chinchillas, you will know that my hay are fresher and greener than those you purchased at Pet Shops... And of course, pricing is also cheaper than others...

1lbs [450g] ----- $10

3lbs [1360g] ----- $28!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mazuri for Chinchilla


Repack Packing:

1kg [2lb 3oz] @ $10

Buy 5kg and get 1kg FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Timothy & Alfafa Hay Promotion!!!

Timothy Hay & Alfafa Hay Promo!!!

1lbs [450g] @ $10

3lbs [1360g] @ $28!!!!!!!!

Order both hay together to enjoy FREE DELIVERY!!!!!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shifting Out

Dear Customers,

We will be shifting out of Ericsson Pet Farm. For the time being, we will be held HOME-BASED!!! Meanwhile we will still be providing some products and accessories... Occasionally some Animals... So hang on to more updates at this website ok?

Thanks a lot for the support for the past 2 years!!!

Deeply Appreciated!!!

Thank you!!!

Home-Based Grooming Services for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs

Short Coat Rabbits & Guinea Pigs Full Grooming at $20!!!

[Which include brushing, cleaning of ears, clipping of nails, shaving of paw furs, dry bath, genitals cleaning and final brushing]

Long Coat Rabbits & Guinea Pigs Full Grooming at $30!!!

[Which include brushing, cleaning of ears, clipping of nails, shaving of paw furs, dry bath, genitals cleaning, trimming of fur and final brushing]

*De-matting service will be chargeable depending on condition starting from $15-$100

Nail Clipping Service Available at $5/pet if you do not require any grooming

Transportation available. Charges depending on area.

Please make your appointment a few days in advance.

For more information, please sms or call me at 98372402!!!